I love to write and I recently started a blog that showcases my love for gaming. It’s fun and easy going. Aimed at catching the attention of gamers alike. In the late 20 th century, the concept of gaming evolved as researchers developed games for leisure times, including tic-tac-toe. The evolution of gaming has been interesting with the advent of arcade style gaming to home based consoles and then back to cloud computing. The gaming scenario changed in a short span of time from coin operated arcade gaming to fast paced, online game style of today. Through the decades, if taken a closer look, the gaming scenario initially was arcade style, the games duration was short and the activity of gaming itself was based on social interactions and connectivity with mostly ping pong based variants of video games. Then came along the ever famous Nintendo, giving the bored arcade visitors a chance to play better styled games, with the chance to re-play these games at leisure with one time i...